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Chatham County Historical Association

Preserving and sharing the history of Chatham County North Carolina

Chatham Historical Journals 1988 - 2008

Click on the Journal number and date to link to pdf of issue.

Volume 1 - 1988

No. 1 - September
History of Mann’s Chapel, by J. Lamont Norwood. ~ Notes concerning Dr. James McCarroll and his descendants, by Wade Hadley. ~ Comments on the diaries of Bishop Asbury & Chatham County, by J. Lamont Norwood. ~ Lacy Johnson and John London reminisce about former times, transcribed by Jane Pyle.

No. 2 - December
Membership certificate of charter members of Chatham County Historical Association. ~ Patrick St. Lawrence in Chatham Co. 1783-1797, by Wade Hadley. ~ Chatham's first county seat, by Wade Hadley. ~ Private or family cemeteries in Chatham Co, NC, by Wade Hadley. ~ Growing up in Chatham Co. part 1, by Ruth Waddell Horton. ~ Photographs: Daughters of William Henry Burns, Sr. - The Western Railroad's locomotive.

Volume 2 - 1989

No. 1 - August 
Growing up in Chatham County, part 2, by Ruth Waddell Horton. ~ Work and culture in a Piedmont mill village, part 1, by Douglas DeNatale, w/ photos.~ Fillers: Courthouse bricks – Vestal home - champion cotton pickers. ~ Photographs: Snow Camp Foundry Dam.

No. 2 - October
Work and culture in a Piedmont mill village, part 2, by Douglas DeNatale, w/photos. ~ Fishing in streams in Chatham over 100 years ago, by Wade Hadley. ~ Photographs: Breaking ground for Siler City Post Office Building.

Volume 3 - 1990

No. 1 - April
Wading through error and confusion: An update of a study of the Endor Iron Works, by R. A. Wiesner. ~ Earliest dated death on gravestone at Napton Cemetery, by Wade Hadley, w/photo. ~ Undefeated Siler City team from fifty seasons ago, by Robert Hughes, w/photo. ~ Millwood: a vanished Chatham County town, by Wade Hadley, w/photo. ~ Intended Confederate bayonet factory in Chatham Co., by Wade Hadley.

No. 2 August
Union infantryman scorns Sherman's Raiders during visits to Haywood, by Robert Hughes. ~ Siler City and the census of 1900, by Wade Hadley. ~ The Rev. Thomas Mann, pioneer circuit-riding preacher, part 1, by J. Lamont Norwood.

Volume 4 - 1991

No. 1 - January
The Rev. Thomas Mann, pioneer circuit-riding preacher, part 2, by J. Lamont Norwood. ~ Water-powered grist mills in Chatham Co., NC as of 1880, by Wade Hadley, w/photo, map.

No. 2 - June 
The Chatham County Court House, by Wade Hadley, w/photo, drawing. ~ George Soelle, one of the first itinerant preachers in the new county of Chatham, by J. M. Cooper.

No. 3 - July 
Charles Manly law office, Pittsboro, NC, by Jane Pyle, w/photos. Charles Manly biographical sketch, by Doris Goerch Horton. ~ Fillers: Wild silkworms - 'poisoned' well claimed three lives, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr.

No. 4 - December
A native son: Wade Hadley, part 1 by Jane Pyle, w/photo. ~ Life on the rural Chatham County farm in the nineteenth century, by Sara Jo Blair, w/photo.

Volume 5 - 1992

No. 1 - April
A Chatham native son: Wade Hadley, part 2, by Jane Pyle, w/photo. ~ The 'Chatham Rabbit,' by Wade H. Hadley, Jr.

No. 2 - July
Frank Marsden London, artist, part 1, by Bonnie Vargo and Anne Lazenby Williams, w/photos.

No. 3 - August
Frank Marsden London, artist, part 2, by Bonnie Vargo and Anne Lazenby Williams, w/photos. ~ The post offices of Chatham County, NC, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., illustrations

Volume 6 - 1993

No. 1 - January
A letter from Chatham County, Transcribed by Jane Pyle, illustrated. ~ Early land grants in Chatham County, by J. M. Cooper, illustrated.

No. 2 September
Chatham County's coal, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., w/photos, map

No. 3 - November
Deep River bayonet operations of Heck, Brodie & Company during the Civil War, by Robert A. Wiesner and Matthew W. Norman, w/map.

Volume 7 - 1994

No. 1 - March
Some early Baldwin and related families of Chatham Co., NC, by Barbara Roth, w/genealogical charts.

No. 2 - May
Some Means of livelihood in Chatham County around 1850, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., w/photo. ~ Moringsville, an early Chatham community, by Ernest A. Dollar, Jr., w/map

No. 3 - September
Mt. Pleasant Church and Pace's Mill Bridge, by J. Lamont Norwood, w/photo, map. ~ Passenger automobiles and trucks registered in Chatham County in 1923, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., w/photo. ~ Chatham soldiers: Chatham Masons, by Ernest A. Dollar, Jr., w/photo

No. 4 - November
St. Mark's Chapel: Migratory and Enduring, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., w/photos. ~ Inventory of gravestones and burials, St. Mark's cemetery, by Jane Pyle.

Volume 8 - 1995

No. 1 - May
Hominy: an almost-lost art in food preparation, by Inez Mann. ~ Silk culture in Chatham County, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., illustrated. ~ A reminiscence of John London, by Fred Nooe. ~ Photograph: Rock Rest - Bishop Cheshire at St. Mark's - Gulf

No. 2 - September
Down at the railway depot, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr., w/illustration. ~ Photograph: Schoolhouse at Gulf, c. 1932 ~ An accounting of the estate sale of John Baldwin, 1811, prepared by Jane Pyle. ~ The initial minute book of Hadley-Peoples Manufacturing Company, by Wade H. Hadley, Jr.

No. 3 - November
Bygone mills on the Haw River in Chatham Co., by Herbert Poole, w/map, illustration.

Volume 9 - 1996

No. 1 - April
The Sapona Iron Company of Chatham County, by Robert A. Wiesner, w/drawing, photograph.

No. 2 - July
Lawyers of Chatham County, part 1, by Walter D. Siler, w/photo.

No. 3 – September

Lawyers of Chatham County, part 2, by Walter D. Siler, w/photo.

Volume 10 - 1997

No. 1 - May
The Hadley Civil War letters [Transcriptions by Jane Pyle.]

No. 2 - October
John L. Cowan, Chatham County’s “Especial Artist” of 1865, by Herbert Poole, w/illustrations

No. 3 - December
The Chatham Historical journal, 1988 – 1997 (Table of contents and index) ~ Other Association publications

Volume 11 - 1998

No. 1 - September
Sounds of the past, by Vivian Cole. ~ Mt. Pleasant Church and the Burnett family, by J. Lamont Norwood, w/photo

No. 2 - November
A letter from Chatham County (Transcription of a letter from George Luther, Martha's Vineyard to Mr. Comstock, editor of The Silk Culturist), illustrated. ~ Dr. Lloyd, by Vivian Cole. ~ Illustration: N.M. Hill Livery and Feed Stables business card.

No. 3 - December
The Chatham County Home, by Will Heiser and Jane Pyle, w/maps

Volume 12 - 1999

No. 1 - February
A reminiscence of Pittsboro, by Thomas Letson Nooe

No. 2  - November
Chatham County's military service in World War I (including listing of persons in service and their hometowns), w/photographs, part 1

No. 3 - November
Chatham County's military service in World War I (including listing of persons in service and their hometowns), w/photographs, part 2

Some additions and corrections to the World War I articles in Vol. 13, No. 1 & No. 2.

Volume 13 - 2000

No. 1 - March
A letter from Charles Manly, Comments and notes by Jane Pyle, w/illustrations, photographs. ~ Addendum, Chatham County people in military service in World War I, w/photographs

No. 2 - October
Washerwomen and Tramps, by Vivian Cole. ~ Addendum, Chatham County people in military service, w/photographs. ~ Pittsboro tax list for 1876, Jane Pyle.

No. 3 - November
Dr. David Watson, by Brooks W. Gilmore, illustrated

Volume 14 - 2001

No. 1 - March
Springtime, by Vivian Cole. ~ Saved from drowning by a mule's tail, by Joe Burke. ~ Culture Shock, by Joe Burke. ~ Photograph: Lt. Governor Wilkins P. Horton.

No. 2 - June 
Growing up on a sharecropping farm in Bonlee, by Joe Burke

No. 3 - December
The Cape Fear Power Plant Village at Moncure, by Johnny Odom and James Watson, w/photographs & maps.

Volume 15 - 2002

No. 1 - March 
Remembering Granny and Granddaddy Durham, [on the Graham Road five miles from Pittsboro], by William H. Durham, w/photographs.

No. 2 – December

Recipes from Chatham County, compiled by Barbara Irwin

Vol. 16 – 2003

No. 1 – August

Gilmore Lodge, by Brooks Gilmore, w/photographs

No. 2 – December

James W. Horton: Citizen and Soldier of Chatham County, by Gregory A. Coco, photographs ~ Gravemarkers of Civil War Veterans in St. Bartholomew’s Cemetery, Pittsboro, w/photographs

Vol. 17 – 2004

No. 1 - April

Gravestone Gleanings (summary of Chatham County cemetery survey), by Keith J. Brown, w/photographs

No. 2 – September

Borden/Bonlee Shooting Club, by Jane Pyle, w/photographs

Vol. 18 – 2005

No. 1 – January

Family and Farming in Chatham County, memoir by Jim Cooper, illustrations ~ Rosenwald Schools in Chatham County, by Jane Pyle, w/illustrations and photographs

No. 2 – April

The Prince Family of Chatham County, by William B. Gresham, Jr., w/photographs

No. 3 – September

Pittsboro in the Twenties and Thirties: A Reminiscence, by Lula Foushee Hinton Hoskins ~ photograph of 1938 graduating class, Pittsboro High School ~; Growing Up in Gorgas, memoir by Margaret Pollard               

Vol. 19 – 2006

No. 1 – April

“The School-Girl” [1866 student newspaper of the Locust Hill Female Seminary in Pittsborough], by Jane Pyle, illustrations             


No. 2 – September

A Nineteenth-Century Soap Opera: Eliza Lutterloh’s Memoir, part 1, notes by Jane Pyle, illustrations

No. 3 – September

A Nineteenth-Century Soap Opera: Eliza Lutterloh’s Memoir, part 2, notes by Jane Pyle, illustrations ~ Nicknames, by Walter “Corkey” Harris

Vol. 20 – 2007

No. 1 – October

Newspapers in Chatham County: A Personal Look, by Bob Wachs, illustrations

No. 2 – December

Letters from Home [Letters written to John Wesley Hanks by his father and stepmother], by Virginia McGee, illustrations

Vol. 21 – 2008

No. 1– December

“A Search for Hatch’s Mill,” Part I, by Jane Pyle, map, photographs, genealogical chart

No. 2– December

“A Search for Hatch’s Mill,” Part 2, by Jane Pyle, photographs, Chart showing agricultural production of four 19th century Hatch farmers in Chatham