Museum Volunteers
The Chatham Historical Museum functions as an all-volunteer effort, welcoming visitors from far and wide to stop, stay a while and soak up the history of the county. The lifeblood of the museum is its dynamic volunteer corps. The volunteers give a voice to Chatham history. Since the opening of the museum in 2013, the volunteer corps has grown from a handful of dedicated people to a thriving, energetic group of more than 40 men and women. These volunteers and the many patrons who have donated artifacts to the museum’s collection, have provided Chatham County with an exceptional resource—one that brings several hundred visitors to the courthouse every year. What role would you like to play? What do you enjoy doing and how can we tap into that joy on behalf of the museum? Think you don’t know enough to help? We can fix that! Training on the museum holdings is provided to all new volunteers, and we also provide a list of people to whom you can refer any questions you are not equipped to answer. You’ll learn Chatham history and help pass it along to other interested people. Museum volunteers serve as greeters, docents, 4th Grade field trip directors, re-enactors and in a myriad of other capacities. Greeters are the "foot soldiers" of the museum. They staff the museum during the hours of operation Wednesday through Saturday from 11 AM until 4 PM (except first Saturdays Oct-Apr), and on special occasions. Greeters are the face of CCHA, welcoming all visitors to the museum and giving a brief introduction to the exhibits. Greeters also help staff the CCHA/Museum office, located on the first floor of the courthouse. Docents are trained to tell the Chatham story in its richness and to guide visitors through the museum and historic courthouse in 30 to 40 minute tours. 4th Grade Field Trip Directors lead activities for 4th grade students visiting the museum, free of charge, on field trips offered to all Chatham County public and private schools. Home schooled students are welcomed, as well. Working together, the Chatham County School District Administration, 4th grade teachers and museum representatives review and prepare the curriculum, each summer, for the student visits. Other volunteer opportunities involve re-enactors, story tellers, exhibit designers, and event planners. Volunteers are also needed to assist the curator in the archival aspect of the museum operation. What requirements are there to be a volunteer? You need to be a member of the Chatham County Historical Association and be willing to come to training that is specific to the role you wish to play. A ready smile and flexibility are the mainstays of our volunteers! The Chatham Historical Museum Volunteer Corps is an energetic group of men and women, rich and diverse in background and dedicated to preserving the history of Chatham County North Carolina. The museum offers you the opportunity to become a member of a premier non-profit organization in the greater Chatham area. For more information on volunteering contact us at Or call the museum at 919-542-6222 and leave a message. Come wear the badge of museum volunteer! |
Chatham County Historical Association ~ ~ PO Box 93 ~ Pittsboro NC 27312 ~ 919-542-6222 ~