Genealogical Assistance and Inquiries
Genealogy Help from CCHA Looking for your roots? CCHA’s genealogy volunteers will conduct limited research for CCHA members. Research will be restricted to locally-available and on-line resources. Non-members will be charged for research. Contact for more information or to make requests. Genealogy Help at Chatham Community Library Library reference staff can also help you locate and use library resources during normal library hours. Please refer to the library's genealogy research policy for more information. Library materials include published family histories, newspaper articles on microfilm, census records, CCHA's family history and subject files, and more. The volunteers and reference staff can also help patrons navigate the library's genealogy databases, which include Ancestry Library Edition;; Heritage Quest; and African American Heritage. See the Local History/Genealogy section of the library's website.
Chatham County Resources Many family and local history research resources are available at the Chatham Community Library. Also see CCHA's Family and Local History Research Collection. Chatham County Deeds contain much information of value to researchers. Chatham County researchers are fortunate that all registered Chatham County deeds are available online on the Chatham County Register of Deeds website, and are searchable by grantee and grantor. Deeds related to the division of estates are especially useful because many list all the heirs and describe their relationship to the deceased. If you need assistance searching the ROD website, visit the ROD office or call 919-542-8235. North Carolina links that Chatham genealogists find useful:
North Carolina Genealogical Society |