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Chatham County Historical Association

Preserving and sharing the history of Chatham County North Carolina

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Little Bits of Chatham History

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  • 26 Aug 2021 5:27 PM | Chatham Historical Museum (Administrator)

    Tiffany Hancock's grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather were tobacco growers in northeast Chatham. The photo here shows her great-great-grandfather, James Cummings, standing in a field of tobacco on his farm off Mt. Pisgah Church Road with a sign advertising the fertilizer that he used.

    Back in the early 1900s, the fertilizer companies would recruit local tobacco farmers to help advertise the fertilizer. They would take a picture of the farmer posing with the fertilizer sign while standing in their fields and then publish the photos in various magazines and newspapers. 

    #ChathamHistory #ChathamNC #Tobacco #farming 

    Many thanks to Tiffany Hancock for sharing this great Chatham photo with us!

  • 26 Aug 2021 5:25 PM | Chatham Historical Museum (Administrator)

    These trucks used to be a common site on area roads. Who remembers the flying feathers?

    Loading those crates--especially when they were full of chickens--could not have been an easy task!

    When and why did this method of transporting chickens change?

    Chicken truck in front of Clapp Brothers Implement and Truck Co., Siler City, 1949.

    Thanks to Larry Pickard for sharing from the Goldston Studio collection!

    #ChathamHistory #ChathamNC #chickentruck #SilerCityNC #ClappBrothers #poultry

  • 26 Aug 2021 5:21 PM | Chatham Historical Museum (Administrator)

    Pictured is Arthur L. Smith, postmaster of Bynum, NC c. 1948. At the time of his appointment in February of that year, Chatham County boasted to local newspapers that they had “the largest postmaster in North Carolina”—with the hearty Smith weighing in at 360 lbs. Martha Collins says the Post Office pictured here was part of the old Moore store.

    Several folks who grew up in Bynum remember Mr. Smith running a little store called "Fat's Place" next to the Post Office. When Mr. Smith died in 1962, Jerry Partin's father purchased the store and called it "Sid's Place."

    The 22 June 1961 Chatham Record carried a story of Mr. Smith's "unusual hobby" of raising crickets for fishermen. Smith reported that the crickets were fed ordinary chicken laying mash. He noted that the brooder at his store normally contained about 2,000 grown crickets (with more in a more modern brooder at his home), and reported having sold 20,000 crickets in the first six months of 1961.

    #ChathamHistory #ChathamNC #BynumNC #ArthurLSmith #PostOffice #FatsPlace #SidsPlace #crickets

  • 3 Aug 2021 10:53 AM | Chatham Historical Museum (Administrator)

    Pictured here is the Joseph B. Stone House in New Hope Township. This home is on the National Register of Historic Places. Joseph B. Stone’s father, John Stone, bequeathed him this home in 1847. Joseph Stone was a wealthy planter and enslaver who owned over one thousand acres in 1860. After the Civil War, he declined and lost much of his land. He died in 1878. His daughter, Martha Fearrington, sold the home to her son in 1907. Most of the original tract of land was claimed by the impoundment of Jordan Lake.

    The Stone House is one of many documented by CCHA volunteer Kimberly Steiner, who has resumed documenting historic structures in several Chatham townships. We've recently updated our listings of New Hope and Williams Townships and you can see documentation and photos on our website.

    If you own a historic structure in one of these townships that was missed in the inventory, Kimberly will be happy to visit and document. Contact us at and we'll put you in contact with her.

    We'll be posting documentation for Baldwin and Center townships soon, and Kimberly will begin documenting Pittsboro in September. Please respond if you get a request from her to visit your home!

    If you own a historic structure in one of the townships that Kimberly won't be working on, please document it for us! We'll send you a list of questions to answer and would like photos of the exterior for our records and to share. Again, contact us at if you are interested. We would love to have your help creating a record of Chatham's architectural history!

    Direct link to the Joseph B. Stone house.


    #ChathamHistory #ChathamNC #architecture #ChathamsArchitecturalHeritage #NewHopeTownship #WilliamsTownship #JosephBStoneHouse

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