Adcock Family of Chatham County ca 1908
This photo of the Adcock family is part of the Historic Siler City Collection donated to the Chatham County Historical Association by Duane Hall.
In the 1900 census, the family lived in Matthews Township, where Joseph J. was a farmer, age 55. His wife, Louiza, was 25 (note that ages were often estimated by the census taker and can be inconsistent from one census to the next). Children in the household at that time were Sanky, 8; Mildred, 4; Arizona, 2; and Fada, 1. [Fada in the census and Fobie on the photo, must be Foda, according to the grave marker in Love's Creek Church cemetery. Foda died at age 13.]
In the 1910 census, closer to when this photo was taken, the family is listed as Joseph J. age 60; Lou, age 30; Sankie, 17; Mildred, 13; Arizona, 12; Foda, 9; Joseph [Broadway], 7; Pickard [Plackard], 6; Hazel, 5; Decie, 4; Laura, 1. (We think Laura might be Margaret, who was born in 1908. Margaret named her daughter Laura, so perhaps that was a middle name?)
Ancestry lists more children, including Franklin, Jessie, and Fannie, born after this photo was taken.
According to a newspaper article that included this photo, the family members are identified as Foda, father Joseph J. [or Joshua Joseph], baby Laura/Margaret held by mother Louiza, Sankie, Mildred, Arizona. And the front row with smaller children shows Joseph Broadway, Plackard, Hazel, and Decie.
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